Helle Kletten, mod. 662

Lengde: 13,5 cm

Bladlengde:5,5 cm

SKU: 005009
kr 1 349,00
Din pris: kr 1 079,20


Liten lockback foldekniv, ny for 2019.
Grepsplater av masurbjerk, hull til fangsnor bak på grepet.
Blad i trelags laminert rustfritt stål med neglehakk.
Vekt 84 gram
Lukket lengde 8 cm
Leveres med lærsnor.


Kletten is Helle's smallest blade yet. Weighing in at 84 grams, Helle’s first everyday carry, is a pocket-sized companion for simple, everyday tasks. Based on 87 years of Scandinavian design, the Kletten is an heirloom quality gentleman’s knife with a slim, elegant and handcrafted finish.
The characteristic curly birch scales add depth of pattern and color to each handle, reinforced with stainless steel liners and a stable lockback design. As a result, the Kletten feels and performs like a small fixed blade in use. The forward finger guard and contoured shape provide a secure three-finger grip. At just 3.1-inches long folded, the Kletten doesn’t compromise on capability. The 2.1-inch drop point blade is made of Helle's renowned triple laminated stainless steel with a razor-sharp Scandinavian flat grind.
Kletten is designed for the small adventures that are not planned. It is named after the hill overlooking the village of Holmedal that the locals use for getting out after work. Kletten means "small mountain or large hill" in Norwegian - an apt description in many ways.